Let's Communicate





                                     "The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place" 








Let me start by extending a warm welcome to all of you!  This year will be a very exciting,

educational, and rewarding experience for ALL of us!

I do believe firmly that each child in my classroom CAN and WILL make gains and experience much success within the school year. However, this can only be accomplished with open communication between parent, teacher, and child. Should you feel the need to contact me for any reason during the school year, please do not hesitate. I am always willing to communicate by either telephone, Email, or even arrange for a conference in order to answer any questions you might have, or if needed, to work on a specific success plan for your child.

PROGRESS REPORTS are one of the ways that I keep communication flowing between parent and teacher. These reports are sent home every other Monday (every two weeks). On the alternate Mondays, I will send home a list of missing work. Please ask your child for these reports every Monday. They will need to be signed and returned each week. The Progress Report will include news for the upcoming week, behavior concerns, missing work not completed, and any other pertinent information for each week. Completed work will also be attached to the report as to allow parents an opportunity to identify any areas that your child might be having difficulty with. 

INTERIM REPORTS will be sent home halfway through each grading period. The report will reflect the cumulative achievement for each subject that your child has earned at that point in each grading period. 


To further help with the communication between parent, teacher, and student, Everyday students bring home a PLANNER. This will help your child with organization. The PLANNER keeps you (and your child) informed of ALL assignments given each day in class and for homework. This needs to be signed everyday. This procedure helps the students learn and accept responsibility for their work. This will also help to prepare your child for the middle school experience since they use "Planners" in middle school as well.


E-MAIL me for the fastest response! For those of you that enjoy the age of technology, I offer my E-mail address. You may contact me via E-mail at: bjhecht@volusia.k12.fl.us

Again, my goal is for a very successful and rewarding experience for each of my students. This is best accomplished when parents, teachers, and students keep the lines of communication open and work together. It is vital that parents are kept aware of their child’s status.